To give zakat visit
This policy does not cover how much zakat one should pay. The objective of this policy is to ensure the responsible management of zakat funds and guide the organization. This document does not cover who should pay zakat and how or when zakat should be paid, for information on this see Sheikh Joe Bradford’s “Simple Zakat Guide."
After ten months of consultation with scholars, IFSSA compiled a document on the “Obligations of Zakat Collectors.” Based on this document, as well as the growing chorus of research on guaranteed income supports, direct income transfers and the End Poverty (Edmonton) initiative IFSSA developed the following policy to guide the responsible future use of zakat funds.
Zakat is an obligatory element of Islam, and requires that Muslims who have certain amounts or types of wealth under specific conditions give a portion of those possessions to specific categories of individuals. For the purpose of this document, zakat refers only to money given to IFSSA by zakat-eligible individuals who want IFSSA to redistribute this money to the poor and needy.
Sadaqa refers to charity given to IFSSA for distribution in a discretionary manner and may be used by the organization for feeding the homeless, covering operating costs, running programs and the like.
The cornerstones of IFSSA’S zakat policy are allowing zakat recipients to have dignity and choice, asking for consent and addressing systemic issues.
IFSSA sees zakat as the wealth of the poor and endeavours to give recipients maximum autonomy while ensuring proper oversight & CRA compliance. Zakat is a sacred trust not to be used for administration or people who fall outside the eight categories (1) mentioned. in the Quran. The priority of zakat is the community from which it comes, (Edmonton).
IFSSA will ask zakat eligible recipients for authorization to direct their zakat toward short-term financial relief, food hampers or other services (not covered by IFSSA’S other funding sources).
During the client intake process (2), IFSSA will ask questions to ascertain the financial situation and needs of the client - this would include, but not be limited to: