Video Guide


Welcome to this guide on executing the Food Hamper workflow in Transform. This walk-through will take you through the process of confirming a food hamper pick-up for a client.

Step 1:

Start by going to the tab named 'Food Hamper' located at the top of the page.

Step 2:

In the search box, type in the client's name or find their record.

Step 3:

Upon successful search, a list of the client’s future pick-ups will appear.

*\Please note, if a client does not have a schedule set up, no appointments will show in this area. If this is the case, refer to our schedule creation guide to set up a schedule.

Step 4:

In our example, clients pick up hampers monthly. The system tracks how many days have passed since their last pickup.

We have this here to ensure clients do not come early for their food hamper pickups.