Thursday, January 14⋅11:00 – 11:50am

📝 Agenda

11:00am-11:05am PST - Agenda + week recap

11:05am-11:25pm PST - Design review (Desktop)

11:25am-11:40pm PST - Handover

11:45am-11:50am PST - Wrap up

👨🏽‍💻 What We've Been Up To

This week, our goal was to address a few final feedback items from last week, dedicate time to converting key mobile screens to desktop web, and then focusing our efforts on doing everything we can to ensure a smooth handoff.

🖌 Designs (Desktop)

We've gone ahead and hand-picked a selection of core screens to lay out on the desktop web experience, to give you guys a solid foundation to build on top of. Here's what we designed:

Home Screen (Dashboard)

The dashboard shows the same sections as on mobile, but laid out in a two column layout. The more important sections are displayed on the left, with secondary ones laid out on the right.

You'll also notice throughout that there's a convenient top nav that makes it easy to get around.

Clients Page

The clients page utilizes a similar two-column approach with the main clients list closely mirroring what we have on mobile, but leveraging the additional real estate to show filters on the right rail.